Spring Clearing
As I wrote on a recipe last week: Spring is the season for new life, renewal, beginnings and increased light.
Our bodies naturally slow down metabolically to match Winter’s rhythm and keep us warm. Now that Spring has sprung we instinctively bloom with plants and nature. Spring vegetables move our energy up and out. That's why Spring is the perfect time facilitate a little "in-house cleaning".
Not just for our digestive systems, Spring clearing your life can help de-clutter your mind and physical space as your home is an extension of your energy field.
Taking action, big or small to eliminate unnecessary ‘things’ and distractions from your life can have a profound effect on clarity, happiness and inner peace. That’s why using the Spring energy (or just the intention for those not in the Northern Hemisphere) can free up valuable space and make room for the new.
Spring Clearing ideas:
· Donate clothes you don’t wear, ill-fitting clothes, books, extra linen or possessions you are no longer using
· Delete unused apps on your phone
· Clean out your email inbox
· Unsubscribe from emails you don’t want as they come up (heaven)
· Mute stories/posts of people that drain you on socials (unfollow if you socially can)
· Delete doubled up photos on your phone or what isn’t needed
· Sort through your fridge, freezer, draws
· Sort through and simplify tupperware, extra cords, kitchen utensil draw
· Throw away old nail polish, make up, odd socks
· Recycle old mail, papers, magazines
· Clean out your everyday bag and wallet
· Sort through wardrobe, putting away out of season clothes